Love my Sparkle Athletic Visor!
CW-X Stabilyx Tights Review
Where to start..
Upcoming Reviews
Over the last year I have been learning so much about running, myself and about what works for me and what doesn't both in terms of running itself and the inevitable paraphernalia that goes along with it. I find myself leaving my 'normal' clothes in the cupboard and reach for my running gear more and more. Some of the things I have work for me and some don't....
All opinions shared on Lexie Loves To Run are my own. I am not being paid for my views. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. My blog posts are based upon my personal views and experiences.For specific questions regarding your diet and exercise plan, please contact a professional.
Here's a list of some of the things on it that I want to review so check back to hear what I have to say about them:
1. CW-X Compressions tights - CHECK IT OUT!
2. Sparkle Athletic Visor - CHECK IT OUT!
3. Hydration - Camelback:
Camelback Octane LR Hydration Pack (70 oz)/
Skeeter 50 floz (small or kids)
Mini Mule 1.5L (also pretty small)
4. Flipbelt.
5. Fuelling - Humagels
Do you have anything else you would like to see me review? Leave a note to let me know!
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